
Oak Hill and Partner November Services

  Makerspace Night While we were recording for the Raspberry Pi Online program, the Makerspace area was being used for filming. Now that all of our shoots are over, we have opened up all the labs in our Makerspace once more! If you are interested in learning about our Robotics Lab, how to incorporate 3D […]


PCs for People – Resource Highlight

PCs for People is a nonprofit organization with locations in Cleveland, Ohio, and other places throughout the US. Their mission is to provide people the opportunity to benefit from the life-changing impact of computers and mobile Internet. We are in discussion with them to expand our own program, perhaps in conjunction with Goodwill Foundation. Similar


Meet the Collaborative – Trina Williams

“After every storm, God gives us a fresh wind. Just don’t give up” – Trina, on the topic of inspiring future leaders Trina Williams has been part of the Oak Hill Collaborative for many years. As one of our first business incubator success stories, she went from working out of her kitchen to running her


Meet the Collaborative – Featuring Kristen Olmi

Kristen Olmi has been part of the Oak Hill Collaborative for many years. While working for Mahoning County, she always found time to help budding businesses via her K.O Consult. LLC. K.O Consult’s office, located right at the Collaborative, she helped start businesses such as: A Fresh Wind Catering KBC Kidz. Jesus Speaks Rock Shotz


Oak Hill Collaborative – October Services

Raspberry Pi Online   In just the last week of October, Raspberry Pi Online started over at MLK elementary, marking the start of our very first virtual program. However, we’re already ready to expand to take on more clients. This program is available for ages 8, to 88, and is offered virtually. We can teach


R.E.S.P.E.C.T Collaboration Program

R.E.S.P.E.C.T Collaboration Program Every other Sunday, Oak Hill Collaborative and United Returning Citizens hosts a men’s program called R.E.S.P.E.C.T. This acronym stands for “Reaching Everyday Solutions Positively and Encouraging Community Togetherness”. It is here that men of color can meet and discuss what they feel could be changed about the society around them. They are


Building Virtual Communities

Building Virtual Communities As has become the “new normal” as of late, all organizations and institutions are turning to new methods of communication, workflow, and honestly, way of living. COVID-19 is still very much prominent in the state of Ohio, with a couple of counties in the “red” state so even close to home there


Election is days away! Have you voted?

Election is days away! Have you voted? November draws nearer, and with the deadline of November 3rd right around the corner we’re providing all the resources to ensure that you have everything you need to go out and vote. Be it in person, mail in, or drop off every vote matters. Contact the United Returning


Digital Inclusion Week – WFMJ Today w/ Pat Kerrigan

Welcome everyone! Earlier this morning, our Executive Director Pat Kerrigan went on WFMJ Today to talk a bit more in-depth on what Oak Hill Collaborative offers in regards to combating the digital divide and what we are doing for Digital Inclusion Week next week. Just know that if you want to watch the story yourself


Digital Inclusion Week 2020

Coming soon to a Collaborative near you, we’re excited to announce that we are one of the many hosts of Digital Inclusion Week! A national event created by the National Digital Inclusion Alliance (NDIA) we are ready to show just how committed we are by offering free educational talks and presentations to help bridge the

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