Northstar Digital Literacy Program

Northstar Digital Literacy – Oak Hill Collaborative is Here to Help!

For those unaware, the Northstar Digital Literacy program is the gold standard for those looking to improve their technological skills. Whether it’s with computers, certain software, or just getting familiar with the keyboard and mouse. By utilizing this program Oak Hill Collaborative can not only tell you how much of a computer topic you understand but also exactly which aspects you would need to improve on.

What is “digital literacy”

We don’t really like the phrase digital literacy because it holds the negative implication of digital illiteracy – however, it is the ability to leverage computer skills to accomplish everyday tasks such as paying bills, ordering food, or working remotely.

When talking about closing the digital divide, we like to say that we are giving people a Digital Advantage. With this help, they get an extra leg up in the world of computers and therefore experience an increase in quality of life.

Why are we doing this?

As we’ve seen in recent events such as the COVID-19 pandemic (and in the “homework gap” issue before that) our lives are becoming increasingly dependent on using the internet. As such, we must learn to navigate not only this giant spider web that is the internet but also steer the devices we use to access the internet.

In the world we live in today, it is up to the consumer to understand what is a good price for internet access – and to demand more affordable options. Additionally, it is up to the consumer to know how and when to maintain their devices. With all of this responsibility becoming more a requirement and less a luxury – there are good people being left behind. Or their ignorance is being taken advantage of by large corporations or wrongdoers. As such, we at Oak Hill Collaborative have identified the need to educate those in need in the ways of digital skills.

How do I get involved?

If you are someone in need of computer training our Digital Navigators are happy to help with this. Every Monday at 4:00 PM we hold introductory computer and internet classes at our facility. During these classes you can also request one on one assistance for topics such as:

  • Using the computer
  • Troubleshooting computer issues
  • Getting on the Internet
  • Protecting your personal data while online
  • and more!

After attending one of these classes, you should have a good idea of where you stand. If you feel as though you need additional teaching, we can set up a proctored digital assessment via Northstar and start your path to a Digital Advantage. You can also set up an assessment via appointment by:

You are not required to bring a computer, as we have some here. We hope to see you soon!

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