“After every storm, God gives us a fresh wind. Just don’t give up” – Trina, on the topic of inspiring future leaders
Trina Williams has been part of the Oak Hill Collaborative for many years. As one of our first business incubator success stories, she went from working out of her kitchen to running her own culinary business. Ever since 2015 when she met Pat Kerrigan, Kristen Omli, and others from the Collaborative she’s been providing catering for nonprofit organizations and community events. She’s done it all under the moniker of “A Fresh Wind Catering”. She is also catering limited social gatherings during the pandemic.
Motivated to work with her hands, she’s been cooking soul food and fried rolls for 30 years out. This was her escape from the life that she had grown up knowing, surrounded by drugs and bad actors. She knew she had to break the chain if she was to protect her two children.
Now she’s inclined to tell all who will listen of her success, how she heard a wind come through the window during a prayer and how that started it all. As long as she had a working mind and working hands she was going to cook, and breathe back any wind she took from the city of Youngstown right back in. To find out more or to order her catering services, click here.