Good Luck, Anthony!

Monday marked the first week of classes starting at Youngstown State University, and it also marked the beginning of new opportunities for our Digital Navigator, Anthony Hake.


On Tuesday, Aug. 27, Hake taught his final course at TriYounity in Warren at 6 p.m. Hake covered Graphic Design with Canva, an application primarily used to create documents such as flyers, social media posts, images and other creative works. 


In fact, instructing Canva is one of Hakes favorite classes alongside OHC’s Excel with Excel course. 


“Both of these are fairly hands-on and interactive,” Hake said. “[This] encourages the students to actively apply what they’re learning, and gives me a good idea of what they need help with or want to learn next.” 


At YSU, Hake is in his second year of his master’s degree, working toward a degree in the Computer and Information Systems Program. 


When in his undergraduate years, he came across OHC with a job opening and decided to take a leap. Eventually, he found himself aiding in various programs beyond the computer. 


My undergrad was in information technology, which led me to OHC when they had an opening for an IT specialist,” Hake said. “I was also fairly involved in the Makerspace and Raspberry Pi after school program already, so working for OHC just felt like the next natural step.”


Hake recently finished teaching a Raspberry Pi Program in Warren, toward the end of August. He said that the program has bettered himself as teacher and student. 

As a hobbyist educator or professor in training, [Raspberry Pi] enabled me to experience what many don’t get to until they’re well out of college or in a teacher education program,” Hake explained. “Actually being in the learning environment and interacting with the students has helped me better understand my role as a learner, relate to students better and see how important it is that I solidify the foundations of knowledge I one day plan to deliver to our future innovators.”

For anyone interested in following in his footsteps, Hake mentioned a few things are key.

“Persistence, consistency, and patience are your most valuable attributes when pursuing higher education,” Hake said. “Some programs can be particularly challenging, but for every challenge there is some kind of support if you know where to look. Utilize every advantage you’re given, and realize that any time spent being curious is never time wasted.”


Oak Hill Collaborative would like to wish Anthony the best this semester, and look forward to seeing him walk across the stage at graduation soon!


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