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Meet Us!

Good Luck, Anthony!

Monday marked the first week of classes starting at Youngstown State University, and it also marked the beginning of new opportunities for our Digital Navigator, Anthony Hake.   On Tuesday, Aug. 27, Hake taught his final course at TriYounity in Warren at 6 p.m. Hake covered Graphic Design with Canva, an application primarily used to […]

Graduations, Meet Us!, Springfield

Connecting a Community – Springfield Township

Some of OHC’s graduates took photos with Springfield Township trustees to celebrate their accomplishments. Last night, Aug. 21, Oak Hill Collaborative graduated four more students from its rural Digital Learning Center in Springfield Township.    While many students were excited to have earned a free laptop through the program, the sense of community in the

Coming Up!, Meet Us!

OHC’s Raspberry Pi Program Gets Cookin’

Anthony Hake instructing and aiding during our youth programming, Raspberry Pi. Before many local high school and middle school students head back to the classroom, Oak Hill Collaborative offers its Raspberry Pi Program to get children engaged with science, technology, engineering and mathematics.  Encouraging computer science education and STEM in children is a huge part

Events, Meet Us!

$25,000 toward bridging the Digital Divide

The Community Foundation of the Mahoning Valley donated $25,000 to Oak Hill Collaborative on June 21.    The funds were presented to Patrick Kerrigan, the Executive Director of OHC during an hour-long conference.    “Support like this is critical to our mission. We can help Mahoning Valley residents by providing free classes and workshops, distributing

Graduations, Meet Us!

Hardware for Homes and Graduates Galore 

At Oak Hill Collaborative, students have the opportunity to qualify for a refurbished laptop — free of charge after completing five, one hour classes, as part of the Hardware for Homes program.    Hardware for Homes focuses on giving back to individuals directly impacted by the Digital Divide the Mahoning Valley faces. The classes, which

Events, Meet Us!

Giving back in Girard — nearly $5,000 in technology

Graduates of our Thrive 10:10 program went home with new laptops, a mouse, mousepad, charger and an instructional paper. Oak Hill Collaborative is proud to announce that through our partnership with Thrive 10:10, nearly $5,000 in technology and services was gifted to 14 graduates June 5. Our collaboration with Thrive 10:10 in Girard began in

MakerSpace, Meet Us!

3D printing at the OHC MakerSpace

Many vases you see around Oak Hill Collaborative were made in-house with our 3D printers! Have you ever wanted to expand your technological horizons beyond the computer into a more hands-on skill or trade such as 3D printing or wood working?    While we offer computer courses on Tuesday and Thursday, Wednesdays are devoted to

Meet Us!

Meet Vince Shivers, 15 years of Adobe Photoshop experience

Vince taught an Adobe Photoshop class on May 7. Each month, Oak Hill Collaborative invites Vince Shivers, a media expert and consultant, to instruct Adobe Photoshop.  The Photoshop class Shivers teaches is a beginner class to teach the basics of manipulating images in a creative and fun way.    After students go over computer basics,

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