Oak Hill Collaborative – October Services

Raspberry Pi Online


In just the last week of October, Raspberry Pi Online started over at MLK elementary, marking the start of our very first virtual program. However, we’re already ready to expand to take on more clients. This program is available for ages 8, to 88, and is offered virtually. We can teach entire classrooms, or we can offer one-on-one sessions. It is a six-week program, and each week you are taught something new about computers. By week three you are even given your own Raspberry Pi Computer to use for the rest of the classes, and thereafter. To learn more, check out this promo video we made!


Makerspace Night – New Time!

While we were recording for the Raspberry Pi Online program,the Makerspace area was being used for filming. Now that all of our shoots are over, we have opened up all the labs in our Makerspace once more!

If you are interested in learning about our Robotics Lab, how to incorporate 3D printing into your project, or if you just want a collaborative space to be able to bring your projects for showing off or working on, come on by every Wednesday evening. This is held from 6:00 PM until 9:00 PM, only at the Oak Hill Makerspace.

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